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Past Due

It’s been a while since I last posted-a busy life in both worlds.

I had some time yesterday to visit an interesting sim. I found it by accident after learning about a free gift there πŸ™‚ The store is called JUNK and it definitely has a retro feel. I’m adding two pics taken from my visit. I plan to be more active on this blog over the coming months.


Junk2 Junk1


* Merry Christmas to all and to all a goodnight*

XMAS3 20142014 front yard


I found this sim while Christmas shopping in Second Life. Yummy sidewalks and houses made of chocolate, lollipops and gum drops scattered on the landscape and a sweet candy train running on a chocolate track πŸ™‚ I didn’t get a picture of it but the mountain had three cherry-topped ice cream scoops on top.Β  Have a delicious Christmas with some sugary treats of your own.Snapshot_006 Snapshot_005 Snapshot_007


Some pictures from my Second Life travels-enjoy!

Snapshot_003 Snapshot_005 8-19-14 space2 8-19-14-2


Be grateful for the bad things in your life because they open your eyes to the good things you weren’t paying attention to before.








Second Life announced their 11th birthday today, so I went over to the celebration for a quick peek. More snap shots will follow when the festivities get underway. This year I decided to take one of the ‘pod tours’ around the birthday sim–a good overview and no slow motion flying from all of the lag πŸ™‚




Happy place

This virtual world always leads me to creative learning, friendships and lots of fun.
Quick post today-couldn’t resist after seeing this sign and a happy sim called Cake πŸ™‚



Otherwordly Delights

The ingenuity of this virtual world never ceases to amaze me-I explored an interesting sim yesterday and while most of the signage was in Japanese, the resident building was incredible! I took some snapshots to show the creations there and definitely plan to go back. Two of the objects pictured are larger than life-the dog’s ears and tongue even move πŸ™‚
There’s a Joke Shop at this sim with displays of items that can be purchased. In one of the pics, you’ll see me being eaten by a giant plant. Once I’m swallowed, the plant spits out some bones and creates a pod that I emerge from. The picture doesn’t do it justice and really should be seen and enjoyed!



I’d visited this sim before but never had time to see all of the details there…I guess I was too busy spending the Lindens burning a hole in my pocket πŸ˜‰ There were all kinds of funky shops-even a take off on 7-11 (check out their version in my pics) I really enjoyed a spot I’d ignored on past visits called ‘Carnival Chaos’. The name alone should have given me a hint of the wonderful creations inside. I think my snapshots speak for themselves, so I’ll just fly home with my popcorn and a big smile πŸ˜€
